Sikhs Genocides observance in Dallas
week, I posted an upcoming event "Remembrance and Reflection: 1984
Sikh Genocide (posted below)" at Dallas Indians, a 1800 member group in
the Dallas area for all Indians. I am glad a few friends called in and
sought clarifications. It is always good to inquire and find out before
building up emotions against it. The event is on Saturday, November 3rd
at Noon.
I read a beautiful personal story by Kirpal Singh from Melbourne, who
shared the story of stereotyping Muslims in Nigeria and alluded to
bringing a closure to the Sikh Massacre in India.
humorous part of the story was, one of the callers was cursing Muslims
that they do not understand free speech, and yet, he asked me not post
events like this, he believed it was divisive. Indeed on the surface it
does sound like it, but when you read the entire note, you will find
might get away refusing to oblige your spouse or a child's request...
or even compel them to obey you...but it builds resentment if not dealt
with squarely, it puts a damper on the enthusiasm of the relationship
and no one lives in peace. If there is a murder, child abuse or sexual
abuse in the community, we cannot sit quite, we have to find a
resolution so the victims can leave in peace, and justice is meted out
to the abuser.
the example to India - The Kashmiri Pandits, Dalits, Muslims,
Christians and Sikhs have been treated unfairly and unjustly on
occasions, especially when it comes to killing a large number of people.
The wounds remain unhealed for the communities and every one lives with
un-ease, discomfort and apprehension. Silence or Money compensation is
not the way to repair the damage, but an acknowledgement is the way to
go. An apology will heal the wounds for the entire society. We need to
seek Mukti from the gnawing conscience, and no ones Karma will go
Queen Elizabeth visited India a few years back, she apologized for the
Jalianwala Bagh Massacre, that was the right thing to do and we welcomed
it. There have been many more good examples of healing like that.
six years ago a film was made by Memnosyne Foundation, "One source many
paths" where I represented the Muslim community and 47 other people
represented other faith traditions. Uma Mysoreaker, president of the
Hindu Temple in New York represented the Hindu Community. The Hindus and
the Native Americans shared their pain about the forced conversions by
Muslims and Christians alike, while Muslims also have been a target of
prejudice after 9/11. I apologized for the wrong doings done by Muslims
kings like Aurangzeb and Ghaznavi and individuals like Bin Laden.
healing was done when a Native American offered a Bandana to be
received as a closure, a Christian minister gracefully accepted it, ..
every one remained silent and absorbed the moments, some of us cried,
including me, it was indeed a relief. It is also an acknowledgement that
we the people (living now) have nothing to do with what was done, and
yet, we owed an apology as the wrong doing was committed in the name of
the religion or the land we shared.
Chapters on Pandits, Dalits, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs can be
brought to closure by acknowledgment of the wrong doing, its not going
to go away by hiding from it. Humility builds bridges, that is what
every religion teaches; to be humble. It is wrong, and dead wrong to
believe that we are all against each other, we are not, some of us are,
but we need to work cohesively to make India a greater nation by being
on a higher moral ground of shedding the arrogance or pretending that,
we do not have a problem.
Sikh Massacre is obviously not brought to the closure, mass graves
have been discovered and the identified remains have been given back to
their families, but there are hundreds of kids, women and men missing
from that period. An accounting needs to be done to bring a relief to
families as to what happened to their loved ones. We are all in this
together without blaming the past and to find solutions.
bad guys are not Muslims, Sikhs, Christians or Hindus, the bad guys are
those who went on a rampage and hurt fellow Indians be it in Delhi,
Gujarat, Bihar or Orissa. No one should go Scot free, an apology from
them individual wrong doers, forgiveness from the victims or lawful
action is in order to restart
is the most common form of ignorance that surfaces every minute of the
day in our lives. Our freedom to think is lost when we stereotype people
and fall in the ditch when we justify it. If we want others to treat as
fairly, we have to do it too.
I murder someone, it is my heine that needs to be hauled off to the
jail and mete out the deserved punishment under the law and serve
justice. Stereo typing in this instance would be to blame my race,
parents, siblings, spouse, nationality or religion, it is not wise, is
it?? Yet we do it and let others do it without even imploring them to
think. What has India or Islam got to do with my criminal act?
on you and I to allow the mind to believe that the murder by a black
man allows us to gossip that blacks are criminals, and start justifying
some creepy facts to suit our beliefs. Oh well, the educated ones are
not… that is even wronger than the first statement…Are all white people
ruthless and war mongers? Are Muslims terrorists? Jews will get you one
way or the other?
Catch yourselves in your stereotyping, where you make judgments about a people
reflect on Holocaust and genocides every year, and one of the element
is stereotyping. Details about the VII Annual Reflections on Holocaust
and Genocides at
Kirpal Singh's story is at url-
Event information from the Sikh Gurdwara is as follows:
Event information from the Sikh Gurdwara is as follows:
Remembrance and Reflection: 1984 Sikh Genocide
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
DFW Sikh American Community extends its invitation to you for our event
"Remembrance and Reflection: 1984 Sikh Genocide". We aspire to share
the tragedy which unfolded and provide recognition to an event which has
withered away in the annals of history. We seek to provide conversation
and engage with our audience to ensure dark moments such as these never
occur again and that justice prevails. As the great Martin Luther King
stated, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
We urge and request everyone to attend
When: Saturday, November 3, 2012 from 12 PM – 1 PM
Where: Gurdwara Sikh Sangat 1400 West Euless Blvd. Euless, TX 76040
Where: Gurdwara Sikh Sangat 1400 West Euless Blvd. Euless, TX 76040
our educators, our law enforcement officials, our elected officials,
people of faith and in short all our fellow Americans are humbly
requested to take advantage of this opportunity. We will highlight and
recognize the fundamental principles of this great nation which was on
prominent display during and in the aftermath of the Wisconsin massacre
of how a nation is to respond and respect its citizens. This fundamental
principle must be brought to the forefront for all to appreciate and
Americans have been an integral and constructive part of the DFW
community for over 50 years and we invite you to share in our
experiences and a history which permeates within all of us.
institution of langar (community kitchen) will be in full effect in
which everyone is requested to partake and have a delicious vegetarian
meal. So please come by and ask your questions, eat and drink some food,
or just engage with your neighbors.
For any questions or comments please contact:
1. Gurvinder Singh

2. Manmohan Singh 469.733.5190
3. Manpreet Singh

4. Pritpal Singh

We will be honored and look forward to your presence.
is a speaker, thinker and a writer on pluralism, interfaith, politics,
foreign policy, Islam, India, Israel, peace and justice. He is committed
to building a cohesive America and offers pluralistic solutions on
issues of the day. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity show on Fox
TV, commentator on national radio network, writes weekly at Dallas
Morning News and bi monthly at Huffington post and several periodicals.
His daily blog is
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